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Ghost of Palmyra High
Storyteller Terrell Newby uncovers the events forever changing a small village, community and lives.
A dreadful incident comes to a small-town village in Palmyra, Nebraska, as a retired professor discovers a mysterious black diary from a partially burnt house. Little does Dr. Kneel know that this diary will change his life forever, along with his Doberman named Chester. Alex applies for a janitorial job at Palmyra High, where previous janitors quit because of extreme paranormal activity. A local police chief discovers human body parts stuffed in garbage bags buried in shallow graves. The mystery of the prime suspect is a beloved citizen of Palmyra, a well-known school janitor and retired Navy seaman, loving husband.
Coming Soon

The Dragon Jester
Release date: July 2025
Terrell Newby's second novel
Creators of earth and all planets, Asherah and Norah, are at odds with saving planet earth from exploding into a gas. Their created humans, destroying the world climate, endless crime, cultural hatred, lack of moral balance, international wars, civil wars, pandemics caused by scientists, and greed. The creators summon their alien creations from their separated exoplanet creations. Asherah summons her exoplanet creations to earth with hopes of inspiring and influencing the human spirit to restore order by free will using their created moral compass of choice. Norah's opposite approach summons his exoplanet creations to pressure earthly humans. Evil influence, enticing violent disregard for climate, promoting individualism, greed, and ill morality. Therefore, causing humans to self-destruct, eradicating themselves by disease, a virus leaving planet earth devoid of human and animal life, puts the planet at risk of exploding into a gas. Dragon Jester is a former ancient Chinese confidant of a boy emperor buried alive after a magician card trick caused the child emperor to lose an eye. His remains were sent to America, known as the new world, by his mistress. Asherah transforms the jester’s spirit into an earthly messiah. The battle for good versus evil ensues.